
"Aristocrat" is a story set in the city of Baleton before the events of the first Dishonored, surrounding Rhys Haley.

Rhys is a university-aged young man who comes from a notorious and wealthy family, particularly in the west coast city of Gristol. He meets a young woman, who is not who she says she is, and Rhys must decide what to do and how to resolve a situation that he cannot remove himself out of.

Parts of these documents will not make sense to those that are not familiar with the world of Dishonored. For that, not only do I suggest playing the Dishonored games and reading the comics and short novels but also using the Dishonored Wiki as a guide for parts that were unknown.

I've taken some liberties with Baleton and its overall image, planning and history. It, aside from Hemlock, and being mentioned in short novels of the Dishonored timeline very briefly, is more or less unknown in the world of Dishonored. The same for Pottershead, Driscol and other cities throughout the Isles.

I've imagined Baleton as a small fishing city that became a prominent trading port during the pre-whale oil days of the Isles, just before Esmond Roseburrow's creations and discoveries. Once whale oil came about, more powerful ships and technology arose, Baleton returned from the trading port it once was back to a small fishing village, only seeing more exposure during the days of the rat plague of Dunwall as a safe haven.